Optimized overnight oats, scary-good TV, other things to do instead of freak out over Coronavirus

Hi team, Things are definitely on the scary/uncertain side of the spectrum right now and I’m feeling anxious about all sorts of things. I’m worried about the economy, about small businesses and hourly workers, and of course about many, many people getting sick. I know I’m not alone and that the constant news updates are … Continue reading Optimized overnight oats, scary-good TV, other things to do instead of freak out over Coronavirus

Staying home and staying sane: bean hit list, daily gratitudes, and foolproof kid distractors

Hi there, What a difference a few weeks makes. Since my last newsletter, we’ve entered full lockdown mode and it’s very unclear how bad and how long this will be. It’s hard to even reconcile what’s happening—it’s that big and that unprecedented. I feel bleakly amused that Lilly won’t stop belting “Into the Unknown” while … Continue reading Staying home and staying sane: bean hit list, daily gratitudes, and foolproof kid distractors